“You are being trained by a man who could have been world champ; what more needs to be said?”

Michael “Silk” Olajide Jr.

Championship Boxer - #1 in the world for 5 years

Celebrity Boxing Instructor & owner of New York’s #1 Boxing Gym

Boxer throwing a punch in the ring, wearing red gloves and shorts.

“Grind Athletix plays an integral part in my prep for training camp. Playing professional football requires athleticism in a number of areas and this class increases my speed, strength, coordination, explosiveness and agility. I would highly recommend this class to anyone training for a sport or just looking to become more athletic in general.”

Will Loftus

10-year CFL Veteran

2-time Grey Cup Champion

Jogo football card featuring a player in action wearing a blue and white uniform with the number 18. The card displays the name William Loftus.

“I owe a large part of winning the 2001 World Games to Hadj and Grind Athletix. I’ve recently returned to his classes and felt an increase in strength and speed. The nagging hamstring injury I had for nearly 3 years is gone thanks to his balanced workouts! And I haven’t yet been able to remove the smile off my face at every workout.”

Leslie Calder

Captain, Canadian National Ultimate Team,
World Champs, 2000, 2001 and 2004

Ultimate Frisbee players in action, one in white with Canada maple leaf, two in red jerseys.
Black and white image of a young male rugby player holding a rugby ball, wearing a striped jersey.
Black and white portrait of a person with short hair, wearing a dark shirt.
Portrait of a smiling man in black and white
Black and white photo of a smiling woman with shoulder-length hair.
Black and white portrait of a smiling man indoors.
Black and white photo of a smiling woman


“Without Hadj’s guidance and the explosive training at Grind Athletix, I would never have been selected for the Canadian U16 Rugby team. Thank-you, coach!”


“Had’s workouts have improved my spring, speed and vertical more than any other training regime I’ve tried. But that’s only one dimension to Hadj’s workout – I find the classes have an incredible meditative effect and I enjoy the friendly, social atmosphere.”


“I joined Grind Athletix in the summer of 2011 and quickly realized I wouldn’t consider any other group. Hadj creates workouts that are varied, intense and designed so that we can push ourselves to meet and then exceed our limits. Bottom line; work harder than you think you’re capable of and you’ll see the results — physically and mentally.


“I used to lift heavy weights in my twenties. However, as the years progressed, the muscle strains and sore joints took longer to heal. That’s when I shifted to Hadj’s Grind workouts 16 years ago. No weights – just natural, athletic movements that have made me feel stronger and more agile.


”I’ve been taking Hadj’s class for over 10 years and have seen dramatic improvements in my fitness, strength and health. The exercises we do in class will hone any athlete’s speed, agility and power. You can’t get the same type of performance gains lifting weights in a gym. The class atmosphere is exciting and supportive. This is the ideal training regiment for the weekend warrior or serious athlete.”


“I had a set of requirements a fitness class should meet for me to join it: Every session be as physically challenging as the previous one, a coach that is both a leader and leads by example, a disciplined group devoted to fitness and hard workouts. In other words: high value, no time waste.  Grind Athletix not only met the requirements, but also exceeded my expectations. Hadj loves his work, he aims for excellence at every workout session, and his enthusiasm is contagious.