Vancouver skyline at night, city lights reflecting on water, iconic Canada Place sails visible.

Meet Hadj Gill

Smiling man in black athletic shirt with a watch

Hadj’s life-long pursuit of athletics began at age 14 as an amateur boxer in Vancouver, Canada.

At the young age of 18, Hadj entered the professional ranks, fighting all over North America, amassing a combine record of 33-1. After 9 gruelling years of boxing, Hadj retired from the sport he loved and turned his passion for strength and speed training into a career as a professional trainer.

From all those formative years of intense physical training, Hadj learned not only how to get the most out of himself, but of every athlete he had the opportunity to train with. He worked as a cornerman in various world championship fights in Las Vegas, Atlantic City and New York… working with the likes of Angelo Dundee; legendary trainer for the great Muhammad Ali and Sugar Ray Leonard.

Group fitness class with people doing high knees in gym

The Birth of the Grind Workout

In the 1990’s Hadj taught boxing classes in gyms across Greater Vancouver and the Lower Mainland and began to incorporate plyometric workouts into his classes to help develop fast twitch muscle for speed. Before long, he began introducing plyometric movements specifically targeted at the lower body in an effort to balance out the upper body workouts already taking place in his boxing classes. This led to an inspired approach to fitness and in the mid-90’s, he launched an innovative fitness series of classes, aptly called GRIND.

The Grind caught on with many local athletes and quickly became very popular for its intensity and remarkable results. Hadj found his ground-breaking approach to physical training in hot demand, and soon began teaching Grind Athletic classes at top gyms throughout Greater Vancouver.

Grind Athletix Today

After 20 years of teaching Grind workouts, Hadj Gill has perfected a high arsenal routine of exercises and running workouts that get quick results. His workouts continue to evolve and adapt to suit athletes of every shape, size and condition; Hadj has a remarkable understanding of what the body can endure and offers his skills in a fun and supportive group environment.

The body doesn’t lie and there’s no such thing as magic when you want to shape your body.
When you put your workout gear on you have to be ready to sweat. There is only one true method; hard work. All I do is make that hard work as fun, challenging and creative as possible.
— Hadj Gill, Founder, Grind Athletix
Man posing in fighting stance with clenched fists