Our philosophy is to maximize your weight loss and increase your muscle strength by pushing yourself alongside other like-minded, committed members.
Taught by an experienced ex-pro athlete, you’re sure to meet your fitness goals in no time - and meet great people in the process!
Better than any crossfit class or bootcamp, Grind routines are challenging and designed for working out as a group. Get tuned up for your next triathlon or road race. Become the best you can be for the Tough Mudder. You will never be bored, and no two workouts are ever the same.
Getting fit is no easy task. Our HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) incorporated workouts that combine cardio and explosive movement provide a quick way to get in shape. Pair that with a group of fun, committed good people and a recipe for success is inevitable!
Whether you are looking for that extra edge in your respective sport or simply want to get in great shape, there’s nothing this workout can’t provide in terms of your fitness goals.
Is a GRIND workout for you?
Do you have fitness goals and personal challenges that push you to stay active? Review this short list of questions to find out if you’re GRIND-ready:
I am currently putting a minimum of 4-6 hours each week into physical activity.
I play a competitive sport and am looking to get faster and stronger.
I am passionate about fitness and am always looking for new challenges.
I always set new fitness goals for myself.
I am inspired to workout with a group of athletes.
I understand that a hard workout raises my heart rate and minimizes chit-chat (current members love to hang out and have fun – but during workouts they are focused).
I’m not looking for the traditional “bootcamp experience” (where someone is yelling and barking out orders), BUT I love tough, supportive workouts led by a peer.
If you answered “yes” to any two of the questions above, this workout is for you.
Schedule a free 60-minute session to help you decide if Grind Athletix is the right choice for you. You’ll have the opportunity to speak with Instructor Hadj, observe classes, and get direct answers to all of your questions.

“The fun and exciting atmosphere always keeps me motivated. Grind Athletix classes are fast-paced, challenging and fun, the best combination for a great workout!”